Monday, October 15, 2018

Where is the Dantian?

丹田 Dantian
Dantian are the Qi Focus Flow Centers, important focal points for meditative and exercise techniques such as qigong.


The 竅(Qi Focus Flow Centers) of the body is called 玄牝(The root of creation).
The 竅 are not heart, kidney, mouth, nostrils, spleen, stomach, anal, bladder, Dantian, or brain.
You must know this 竅 well. This is both 冬至(The revival of the sun) and 藥物(神 spirit + 氣qi).
火侯(The fire in the body). 沐浴(Microcosmic Orbit), 結胎(cintamani). It means this too.
It is an out-of-body, a hole, and a source of 神(spirit) and 氣(qi).
The depths of non-existent things. You have to get this in your body, but don't get it anywhere else.

「六論玄竅: 人以命門為玄,腎堂為牡,此處立基,謬之千里矣。不知玄牝乃天地之根, 在西南昆地,臍後腎前,而又非臍下一寸三分,亦
非兩腎間之空竅。此乃真竅,能得而 知。上通泥丸,下透湧泉。中接心腎,內虛而直。不可形求,不可意取。先天真種實藏於 此,通天地,
通神聖,得則生矣,失則死矣,“真人之息以踵”者此也。此天仙下手處, 舍此而下,酆九幽者也」。

The 命門(Qi Focus Flow Centers) are not front of the kidney and behind the belly button, 1.5cm below the belly button, or an
empty 竅 between the kidneys.
You have to know that this is a real 竅.
The top is connected to the 泥丸(the crown[top] of the head) and the bottom is connected the 湧泉(the sole of one's foot).

Then, where is Dantian? One cannot quite pin down the Dantian, but it exists.
Then,How do I find Dantian? You can find where the heat originates.
Take a good look at the picture below.

You observe the spine on the opposite side of your belly button or slightly below the belly button. That way it is connected to the Dantian.

玄牝 is a term that comes from the Dao De Jing.
Dao De Jing
谷神不死,The valley spirit dies not, aye the same; 
是謂玄牝。The female mystery thus do we name. 
玄牝之門,Its gate, from which at first they issued forth,
是謂天地根。Is called the root from which grew heaven and earth. 
綿綿若存,Long and unbroken does its power remain,
用之不勤 Used gently, and without the touch of pain.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

What is God from a Taoist viewpoint?

What is God from a Taoist viewpoint?

It's a high-level[dimensional] thing that I've reached through the Practice of Taoism.
That's why it's hard to understand what I'm talking about.
What I'm talking about goes far beyond Taoism.

You study only about three-dimensional materials about Taoism. But if you go through some steps, you're going to have four-dimensional.
In fact, in three-dimensional, no one would have reached the highest level of the Taoist reference, such as Microcosmic Orbit (小周天) or 大周天.

Taoism teachers around the world don't know or knew all the details but pretended like he knew nothing about these four-dimensional souls or gods.

There are several reasons,
First of all, they do not have the ability to solve the problem.
Second, most Taoism teachers are taken to miscellaneous Gods. This is why they hide.
Third, groups of darkness are very afraid to know the truth. That's why they disturb organized.

There are invisible beings in our universe.
Unseen beings can compress in three ways. The souls of the dead, the souls of the living and the gods.

If the power[功力] is not high, they can be taken over. Fortunately, high-level gods help the Taoists.
I've mastered the skills to deal with this kind of soul through the years of practice.
And No one in the world has ever had this skills.

Because the skills is Darma[Dharma] of 紫府仙人, the founder of Taoism. And if anyone wants to learn, I can teach you the essence of Taoism for free.

You might be saying, "Stop your big talk until you show us some proof."
Then I would reply:Find a gifted shaman with my pictures and writings, So they will tell you about me. And I can to connect remotely demonstrate by remote  one-on-one healing support.

Monday, September 24, 2018

I will write a ancient novel Or a history of sundo(仙道) from now on.

I will write a ancient novel Or a history of sundo(仙道) from now on.
about 10,000 years ago

There was a war with the Venom. This is similar to the movie(Venom, 2018).
Anyhow, We was done over from the enemy.
it's burning books on the Taoism(仙道) classics and burying Taoistic scholars alive.
The greatest teachers(紫府仙人) sequestered himself from the world.
Taoism is a branch of sundo(仙道).

The simple movements of gigong is difficult to change.
First, Your body should be as hot as a furnace.
Second, check that The secrets(gi) of nature goes all the way across your body.
Third, Be a human being, for starters, reap the enlightenment.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Buddha has a hump on the top of his head

Buddha has a hump on the top of his head
Why? It is because The energy enters the body from top to bottom.
The scalp was transformed into the hump

The above information is very important in Taoist practice.
Teachers in Taoism around the world don't teach us anything like this. This is a very wrong practice.

This is a common phenomenon when you practice Taoism for a year or so, although experience varies from person to person.
It's a sign of an open on the top of head(百會穴).

But it would close soon. It's because bad energy comes into your body.
百會穴() is also called 天門穴(sky door).
The 天門穴(sky door) must be open to communicate in four-dimensions, and it depends on the success and failure of the Taoist.

百會穴 is linked directly to 湧泉穴. It's also linked to 勞宮穴 in both hands.
Most of the space energy enters the 百會穴 and exits each mother point(cell).
After decades of activity state, you may notice a distortion in the area of the crown[top] of the head.
It is particularly important when the crown[top] of the a deformed  head is included in the drawing

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


延壽仙佛西國人 內經圖 一粒粟中藏世界(碩果=如意珠=君子는 得山河大輿)

泥丸宮(男☵). 昇陽府(女☲). 巨峯頂. 九峯山. 鬱羅蕭靈臺. 靈峰之穴. 玉真上關.昇法之源.湌咽.氣疾.降橋.十二樓臺藏秘訣(織女天象圖).五十境內隱玄關(三界死生符). 艮土. 回-者田. 織女運轉. 牛郞橋星. 坎水逆流(水東流..湧起南山頭).正丹田坎水逆流之源泉者自下焦.採始於督脈仙骨中也吾乘山河大輿七載之上月始明於世也於至耳順初見正丹田白眉圖書

吾曾玩易之時一見離坎未濟者類似乎心火腎水之相關也比如三冬火水不交之象也 故人生不免於老衰病死之苦也思及於坎離旣濟者太若乎昰節火降雲騰降雨反復循環永久不衰化生萬物之理也 故使心火下交於下焦坎水渡涉尾骨仙椎蒸動和炁上騰補腦也

陰陽玄蹬車(異本엔 蹬을 踏으로)

復復連連步步週. 機關撥轉水東流. 萬丈深潭應見底. 甘泉湧起南山頭.

任脈(부처님은 火降之脉인 任脈을 맡아 하늘의 天陽之一炁를 받아내어 下丹田에 내려 놓으시고).

督脈(노자께서는 水升之脉인 督脈을 맡아 땅의 地陰之精炁를 캐어내어 上丹田에 올려 놓으시다).

中丹田(白頭大幹의 折半 五十境內 小白山下 艮土의 回-者田터를 잡아 八垠淨土의 基礎를 닦으시다).

二腎府之穴.心神丹元自守靈. 腎神玄冥自育嬰. 脾神常在自魂停. 肝神龍煙自含明. 膽神龍耀自威明. 肺神華晧自虛成.(異本엔 自를 字로, 停을 庭으로. 脾臟은 缺如됨.)

我家耑種自家田. 內有靈苗活萬年. 華似黃金色不異. 子如玉粒果皆圓. 栽培全賴中宮土. 灌漑須憑上谷泉. 功課一朝成大道. 逍遙陸地水蓬仙

鐵牛耕地種金錢. 刻石兒童把貫串. 一粒粟中藏世界. 半升鐺內煮山川.

白頭老子眉垂地. 碧眼胡僧手托天. 若向此玄玄會得. 此玄玄外更無玄.

法藏云 = 紺目澄淸四大海. 白毫宛轉至須彌.

玆氏云 = 眉間常放白毫光. 能滅衆生轉輪苦.

此圖向無傳本 緣(練)丹道廣大精微 鈍根人無從領取 是以罕傳於世 予偶於高松山齋中 檢觀書畵 此圖適懸壁上 繪法工細筋節脉絡 註解分明 一一悉藏竅要 展玩良久 覺有會心 始悟一身之呼吸吐納 即天地之盈虛消息 苟能神而明之金丹大道 思過半矣 誠不敢私爲獨得 爰急付梓 以廣流傳. 素雲道人 劉誠印敬刻幷識.

此圖書中 誤字不小故 大略校訂書之 歲在癸巳初夏 仁王草堂 不器.



實際上, 內經圖即為北宗氣功,小周天功法,百日築基之秘要。
其要求在氣發丹田,使任督兩脈, 連接周流運行,循環不息,以維人體陰陽平衡,使氣經常環繞各大穴道,周流全身,佈滿腦、神經、血管、內分泌等各系統,以產生按摩作用。
故有袪病強身,延年益壽的效果。願我同門參酌領悟,共登壽域,倘能更進一步修練, 自能達成道果本刊於己已年六月六日第一期,載有「內經圖」一則,同門閱讀,不甚瞭解,因而本刊總編輯索稿於予,乃不揣淺陋,對「內經圖」作粗淺之解釋,以供參考。



按「內經圖」依照人體經絡穴位繪成,來自「內經」,亦名「黃帝內經」,為我國醫籍之最古者。分素問、靈樞兩種,素問二十四卷,記黃帝與歧伯問答之語, 多為養生之道。唐王冰註漢書藝文志,載黃帝內經十八篇,無素問之名。東漢張機傷寒論引之,始稱素問、故隔書經籍志,始著錄之。靈樞計十二篇,其中所論多詳於緘刺,均與人體經絡穴位有關。所謂氣走經絡,乃維持人類生命的氣血經絡,就在經絡構成精密的網路中運行。

又云:『凡草木燒之即燼,而丹燒之成水銀,(比喻語)積變又還成丹砂。(比喻語)其去凡草木亦還矣,故能令人長生。』 依據此金,即黃金液,丹即由丹砂煉成之還丹也。又有內丹外丹之別。


本圖以人體經絡穴位內景繪成, 自頭頂泥丸宮,又稱上丹田,經中丹田,下丹田,至陰蹻,再並行經督脈上行,經尾閭,夾脊、玉枕三關,而達百會穴,故有坎水逆流之說


頭部即為上丹田,百會穴所在,亦稱泥丸宮、升陽府、 崑崙頂、靈台等,別名甚多。又在兩眼,及兩眉牽直,而額骨到鼻骨之中間,正在十字中心,即玄關一竅,亦稱祖竅,道家稱成金丹之穴,此竅至寶至貴。

「我家耑種自家田,內有靈苗活萬年,花似黃金色不易,子如玉粒果皆圓,栽培全賴中宮土,灌溉須憑上谷泉, (指津液)功課一朝成大道,逍遙陸地作蓬仙


最後圖中「延壽仙佛」 (此佛字不甚清楚) 指神仙也。所謂「一粒粟中藏世界」,言煉成全丹,如同一粟,與宇宙景象相同,須經過苦練後,方能九轉還丹成仙,誠不易也正需要有耐心、 信心、 恆心、 和愛心,方能達成正果。




Wednesday, August 15, 2018


There are two kinds of breathing: thoracic and abdominal. In thoracic breathing the chest expands in inhalation and shrinks in exhalation. We use thoracic breathing when we inhale with our arms up and exhale when we put our arms down. In abdominal respiration the stomach expands in a manner similar to a rabbit’s breathing. If you look at babies carefully when they are sleeping, you see their stomach rather than their chest moving up and down; this is abdominal breathing.

You may think that people breathe with their chest because of the location of the lungs. Actually, abdominal breathing, the kind practiced by babies, is more natural and healthy. If a person’s shoulders go up and down when he breathes, or if his chest is moving, it might indicate that he has a problem with his lungs, and therefore the breath cannot go deeper than his lungs. It is also possible that he has abdominal dropsy or a swollen stomach, so the breath cannot go all the way down. This kind of breathing is unhealthy.